Flowers on the altar in loving Memory of Lawrence Feil from Lillian and Family.

May 5: 3:00pm Care Home service at Prairie View Lodge

May 7: 7:00pm Esther Circle Bible

May 8: 9:30am Adult Bible Study

May 8: 1:00pm Quilting

May 12: 7:00pm Confirmation practice  

May 5-18: Pastor Greg will be gone to Germany on study leave.

May 19: Confirmation Sunday for Jasper Baan, Rory Emperingham, Jodi Switzer, and Nathan Tuchscherer

May 26: Grandparent Milestone for new or any grandparents, that want to be celebrated!

Tuesday May 28 from 11am to 1pm

The ELW will be having a Spring Salad Luncheon for the community. They will be focusing on the working crowd, but it is open to all. The cost is $20.  We will be asking for donations of Salads and possibly money if you would rather contribute this way. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex. Tickets are on sale in the office!

We will again be collecting gently used Bibles, hymn books, devotional material and other Christian books for the Christian Salvage Mission who delivers overseas. We'll collect these items until the end of June. Delivery will be early July to the depot in Regina. A box marked CSM will be available in the narthex if you so wish to donate.  Thanks, Bob and Arlie Neufeld.